About This Blog

The purpose of the blog is to analyze and comment on the various aspects of Films, Music, and Sports. Project Mayhem is the name of an organization in the film "Fight Club." The organization is formed to rid the world of cultural norms, or what is expected and wanted of a person to fit into a community. Through this blog, I hope that the analysis of these media produce a similar effect: ridding public opinions of stereotypes or predetermined conclusions regarding these media without proper evidence. So, please, add input, correct mistakes, give your ratings/opinions, and open your mind...

Monday, April 25, 2011

YouTube Sensation Keenen Cahill

Recently famous viral lip-syncer Keenen Cahill has gotten a lot of publicity with his comical song reproductions, enough to land him a spots on MTV and Chelsea Lately. He has also collaborated with 50 Cent, David Guetta, and San Francisco Giants Brian Wilson and Cody Ross. 15 year-old Cahill has Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome which is the cause for his dwarf-like appearence, however, his appearance has not stopped his huge popularity and millions of views for his comical remakes. I really enjoyed the Wilson part, because he is outrageous on his own, as well as the Guetta mash-up that included one of my favorite songs, Memories. Below are three of his latest collaborations:

David Guetta

Brian Wilson and Cody Ross

50 Cent

It's pretty amazing that a random 15 year-old can become that acclaimed on YouTube that music A-listers like Guetta and 50 cent just show up on his channel.
-Jarid Holliday

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