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The purpose of the blog is to analyze and comment on the various aspects of Films, Music, and Sports. Project Mayhem is the name of an organization in the film "Fight Club." The organization is formed to rid the world of cultural norms, or what is expected and wanted of a person to fit into a community. Through this blog, I hope that the analysis of these media produce a similar effect: ridding public opinions of stereotypes or predetermined conclusions regarding these media without proper evidence. So, please, add input, correct mistakes, give your ratings/opinions, and open your mind...

Monday, May 30, 2011

5 Best Potential Films Still To Be Released This Summer

One of my early posts this year, Upcoming Film Premiers, elaborated on the big names being released this spring and summer. My few trips to the local theatres have resulted in a few crossed off the list, including: The Fighter, Unknown, Battle: Los Angeles, Your Highness, Thor, and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Unknown and Your Highness were mostly disappointing, while The Fighter, Battle: LA, Thor, and Pirates were all great to excellent. The following 5 films are my Top 5 that are still left to release this summer:

5. Transformers: The Dark Side of the Moon (June 29)

The third installment of the ever popular robot-action series, Transformers 3 should be another heart-pounder that will be best viewed in the theatre setting. Minus Megan Fox and following the worst of the two parts will be two slight negatives that move it down on the list. 

4. Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22)

Following in the line of The Incredible Hulk, The Iron Mans, and recent release Thor, the Marvel team completes its pre-Avengers films with this superhero/world war hero action flick. I am a pretty big fan of all the aforementioned films minus Hulk, and was impressed with Thor's quality recently. Should be another solid addition to the building comic series.

3. X-Men: First Class (June 3)

By far the most excited I have been for new part in a series (More than Pirates, as I didn't think the series could get better, and it didn't. Also, most excited until Batman 3 in 2012) The Wolverine Origins was a solid addition to the series, but this should answer many questions about the overall origins of the other key characters, and how the wars of the mutants and humans came about. This is a must see sci-fi.

2. Mr. Popper's Penguins (June 17)

I generally stay away from hyping comedies for the most part, as they usually have the tendency of disappointing or not being overly better than I predict. However, a Jim Carrey-led classic book (which I used to read) story is sure to be hilarious, deep, and meaningful all in one. A must see, eventually, but not a have-to in theatres. Save your dough for the actions, as comedies look the same on all screens. 

1. Cowboys and Aliens

A modern action western. Aliens. Alien Technology. Daniel Craig. Olivia Wilde. Harrison Ford. Jon Favreau (Iron Mans and Elf director). All of those ridiculous factors combine to make a film that I have been psyched to see since November. Another factor that is the best of them all? July 29th is the day before my 21st. Happy Birthday to me from myself. Movie of the summer. 

Mark your calenders folks. If you have the smallest bit of a sense of humor and action/sci-fi taste, you know where you will be on the aforementioned dates. And if you have 4 hrs open on a night, heck, why not see two?
-Jarid Holliday


  1. Movies listed in order or release not relevance.
    5. Super 8 -release date: June 10-Writer/director J.J. Abrams and producer Steven Spielberg- this is a sci-fi thriller takes place in the 70’s and is centered around a train crash in a small Ohio town. Locals start to disappear and other good stuff... From looking at the actor list, it appears to have a lot of young new actors which is a nice break from the teeny boppers that are infesting our screens- and you cant go wrong with the dynamic duo of Abrams and Spiel- especially since Abrams last sci-fi “Star Trek” kicked my a$$. This movie is sure to please!

    4. Transformers 3- release date: July 1- This movie is my sympathy movie, only because, to be honest, I really have no hope for it, that way if it sucks, I will live. Although the second installment of the series was good, it wasn’t great, and I found myself shaking my head throughout- so here is hoping that they lose a lot of the unnecessary funny and replace it with the necessary drama/action

    3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2- release date July 15- directed by David Yates and Steve Kloves- Yes I will admit it, Harry Potter is the shiz, and anyone who says different is a liar. I might be going out on a limb on saying…actually scratch that, because lets face it, its true…this movie is going to be the biggest movie of the year, let alone the summer. Any other movie out there would pee themselves if they think they can do better, because we have all waited ten years for this movie- it will be epic.

    2. Captain America- Whatever you said..
    1. Cowboys and Aliens- Ditto #2

    Movies that didn’t make the list, but could have:

    1.Rise of the Planet of the Apes - with James Franco is a promising actor and to be honest monkeys ruling the world freak me out- good enough reasons for me- worth a watch

    2. Final Destination 5: How many times will death skip over this series before he kills it! It promises to be really crappy, but hilariously gory- IM IN! ill wait for RedBox

    Oh yeah, the X-Men series died when the third movie ended...

  2. I agree with Super 8. It would have been my 6th. I am not a Harry Potter fan (Deprived, I know). Apes looks solid, let's just hope they do a muuuuuch better job on the costumes and special effects (I think they used the same costume stuff from the '50s original) than in the first one. Final Destinations are trash, except for the 2nd only because Mary Elizabeth Winstead is in it. X-Men will be sick, and the first Origins was just as good as the other three, if not better than the third. This new cast will be excellent and will provide a ton of background that the first four didn't cover.
