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The purpose of the blog is to analyze and comment on the various aspects of Films, Music, and Sports. Project Mayhem is the name of an organization in the film "Fight Club." The organization is formed to rid the world of cultural norms, or what is expected and wanted of a person to fit into a community. Through this blog, I hope that the analysis of these media produce a similar effect: ridding public opinions of stereotypes or predetermined conclusions regarding these media without proper evidence. So, please, add input, correct mistakes, give your ratings/opinions, and open your mind...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 3 Film Reviews

A very diverse group of films this week, they nearly cover most every time-frame and genre. Monty Python is one of the oldest films I own and have seen, while Red was recently released on DVD and Blue Ray this past week. Red and Green Zone impressed me very much, while Monty Python and The Brothers Grimm were the disappointments of the week. Scott Pilgrim was easily the most off-the-wall film with some crazy computer animations. I hope that the diversity of the week's films reaches a greater audience's perspective.

American Gangster
Release Date: 2007
Director: Ridley Scott
Genre: Drama
Main Cast: Denzel Washington (as Frank Lucas) and  Russell Crowe (as Det. Richard "Richie" Roberts)
Based On: The Return of Superfly by Mark Jacobson
IMDB Rating: 7.9
My Rating: 7.4
Length: 157 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $100 million/$266 million

American Gangster was a very well done film in my opinion, especially since I personally am not a huge gangster-themed film fan. As noted in a previous review, Denzel Washington adds a tremendous amount to the level of acting in any film that he is in. He rarely plays the protagonist in a film as he does in this one, and does one of the greatest performances of his career. There is an amazing contrast between the personalities of his character, as he is a loving head of a family half of the time and a murderous drug lord the other half. Russell Crowe also plays an very good role as the main antagonist of the film, ridding Harlem of some of its scum by being the head of a drug investigation unit. The film's plot stays very consistent and purposeful throughout, without diverging into meaningless subplots. One of the few recent films that I have seen without any conceivable flaws. It being slightly long and actionless are not flaws, just part of its context and genre.

Release Date: 1996
Director: Chuck Russell
Genre: Thriller
Main Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger (as US Marshal John "The Eraser" Kruger) James Caan (as US Marshal Robert Deguerin) and Vanessa L. Williams (as Dr. Lee Cullen)
IMDB Rating: 5.9
My Rating: 6.5
Length: 114 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $100 million/$379 million

A rather typical 1990's and Schwarzeneggar film, Eraser does little to impress, however, its action made up for its sub-par, if existent, plot. Some of the technology and weaponry used in the film was portrayed in an unrealistic manner, but the escape scenes, namely one in which Schwarzenegger uses zoo crocodiles as defense, were slightly thrilling to view. Williams plays a decent role as the escapee throughout the film. An overall average film, with some moments of good action, but nowhere near a mind-blowing plot.

Bangkok Dangerous
Release Date: 2008
Director: Oxide Pang Chun and Danny Pang
Genre: Action
Main Cast: Nicolas Cage (as Joe Shahkrit) Yamnarm (as Kong) Charlie Yeung (as Fon)
IMDB Rating: 6.4
My Rating: 5.2
Length: 100 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $45 million/$43 million

Similar to the previous film, this film did not come close impressing me. I did like the narration by Cage throughout the film as well as a few scenes of productive flashbacks. The film also had filming in a scene I had never seen prior, showing bullets shot through a boat from under the boat in the water itself. Other than those positives, the rest of my comments are on the other end of the spectrum. The film seriously lacked both depth and length, and the setting in Thailand took away from the hitman-aspect of the film, no offense to Asian culture. There was almost no closure whatsoever to the ending of the film. Cage played his usual average acting, and this film should never be on anyone's favorites list.

Green Zone
Release Date: 2010
Director: Paul Greengrass
Genre: Thriller
Main Cast: Matt Damon (as Roy Mille)
Based On: Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Rajiv Chandrasekaran
IMDB Rating: 7.0
My Rating: 7.7
Length: 115 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $100 million/$95 million

There have been a lot of comparable films throughout this review. This film was very similar to American Gangster in some aspects, it having a very solid and consistent storyline, and very realistic characterization of its main character Roy Mille by Matt Damon. I recently took a government class in which we talked extensively about the Iraqi transition and insurgency, the two main topics of this film. The facts and discussions we had in class directly paralleled much of the film and the plotlines of the early exclusion of the Sunni party from Iraqi democracy. The absence of a main protagonist beyond an aggressive government and diplomats might have taken away from the film only slightly. The realism of the film, as noted before, is probably it's biggest selling point, the setting and the middle-eastern acting seem like they could have came from a Operation: Iraqi Freedom documentary. In viewing this film, again similar to Gangster, I had troubles finding any reason not to recommend it, with such excellent acting and a plot that stayed its course through the alleys of Baghdad.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Release Date: 1975
Director: Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones
Genre: Comedy
Main Cast: Varying cast and roles
IMDB Rating: 8.4
My Rating: 5.1
Length: 87 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $365 thousand/$128 million

Immediately drawing the hatred of this cult classic's diehards after this rating and review, I tentively comment on the lack of interest I found from this film. The outrageousness of this film is what gives it its notoriety, however, I think much of the spoofs and attempted comedy tries way too hard, as well as seems came up with on the spot. Older films do have a disadvantage in my opinions of films, as a lot of my biasity [sic] towards them stems from lack of computer graphics and modern culture and cast. Thus the budget, timeframe, and spoof-theme of this film doomed its potential of being a hit in my movie viewing. But just because I am not a fan, doesn't mean others will not thoroughly enjoy. Each to their own.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Release Date: 2010
Director: Edgar Wright
Genre: Action
Main Cast: Michael Cera (as Scott Pilgrim) and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (as Ramona Victoria Flowers)
Based On: Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'Malley
IMDB Rating: 7.8
My Rating: 7.0
Length: 112 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $60 million/$48 million

Scott Pilgrim proved to be a lot of what it appeared it was going to be in the trailers: lots of action, full of cheap computer animations resembling video games, and lack of a meaningful plot. Intended mostly, in my opinion, for adolescents, the video game extra lives and coin achievements made the film fitting for its intended audience. Michael Cera was very comical throughout, however, and Winstead's role was played well coupled with her immense attractiveness, despite her influx of vengeful x-boyfriends. I liked the addition of the indie band into the storyline, it gave the film some more diversity. Overall not a very good plot and decent acting and action, but entertaining nonetheless. Just not something you are going to want to sit down and watch with your grandparents.

Release Date: 2010
Director: Robert Schwentke
Genre: Action
Main Cast: Bruce Willis (as Frank Moses) Mary-Louise Parker (as Sarah Ross) and Morgan Freeman (as Joe Matheson)
Based On: Red by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner
IMDB Rating: 7.1
My Rating: 8.1
Length: 111 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $68 million/$165 million

Fresh off the shelves, Red's hype and trailers made me extremely excited to see what it could do, especially with big name actors like Willis, Freeman, and Malkovich. It was very interesting seeing Malkovich as a good guy in the plot for once, and I think he did an excellent job as a paranoid CIA veteran. The film did a great job of mixing very good action sequences with humor and meaningfulness that most films do not. The continuing theme throughout the film seemed to be that the older and retired agents hadn't lost their touch, despite being hunted down for extermination. The romance between Willis and Ross was kind of awkward and out of place, but such would be the life of a government agent. The plot stayed very concise, and the ending closed in a comical continuation of the storyline already told. Overall I was not disappointed in my expectations of the film, thus, it is a great watch.

The Brothers Grimm
Release Date: 2005
Director: Terry Gilliam
Genre: Adventure
Main Cast: Matt Damon and Heath Ledger (as Wilhelm "Will" and Jakob "Jake" Grimm)
Based Loosely On: The Grimm Brothers legend
IMDB Rating: 5.9
My Rating: 4.7
Length: 118 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $88 million/$105 million

Similar director as Monty Python, very similar review. This film uses the theme of fantasy creatures and lores too frequently throughout its filming, and attempts to bring the audience into a world without making the world seem feasible. I did enjoy the acting of Damon and Ledger, per usual in their careers, but the storyline is  all-too much like the older Disney fairy tales intended for overly-imaginative youngsters. This immature tale will not live happily ever after in my perception of memorable films.

Next time you are curled up next to the fireplace, pick a good film. Stay warm, watch smart.
-Jarid Holliday


  1. Curse the day that you give Scott Pilgrim a 7.0! I dont understand this no plot business- the plot was to defeat her ex-boy/girlfriends so that he could be with her- last time i checked, that was a plot- and it was by far targeted to adolescents, when did videogames become adolescent- they had classics like mario and pac-man- and it was a theme, and i believe it made the movie what it was. AND by adolescent, what is this age group? yeah im sure people in their forties may not understand, but who cares, they are old, they can go watch their soap operas- btw my g-parents are dope as shiz haha

  2. You should be glad I gave it that high. The whole exes thing was terribly unrealistic and middle schoolish. Please tell me a similar situation in real life where someone has 7 exes coming after them, some of them from grade school, for dating a girl. That is dumb. And please tell me a video game where players get coins and extra lives in that manner that the majority of people over the age of 18 play consistently.

  3. dude, its a comic book..the chinese make all the werid shit up so the plot was pre-destined..and mario is and shall always be the best game known to man- mario is ageless

  4. Exactly. A pre-destined plot made by the Chinese Anime directors. I need to say no more. No one plays Mario anymore. There is this new series of games out, that I don't know if you have heard of... Call of Duty I think? It actually takes skill to play.
