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The purpose of the blog is to analyze and comment on the various aspects of Films, Music, and Sports. Project Mayhem is the name of an organization in the film "Fight Club." The organization is formed to rid the world of cultural norms, or what is expected and wanted of a person to fit into a community. Through this blog, I hope that the analysis of these media produce a similar effect: ridding public opinions of stereotypes or predetermined conclusions regarding these media without proper evidence. So, please, add input, correct mistakes, give your ratings/opinions, and open your mind...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 4 Film Reviews

A rather disappointing week of film watching, but busyness is a constant and priorities take precedence. Predators was easily the best film of the week, being an excellent production, with Before I Self Destruct being on of the worst films I have seen. I had technically already seen Anchorman, obviously, but it had been a solid 5 years so I decided to include it in this list. I am planning on next week's review to be a very good one, to make up for the lack of quantity of this one.

Before I Self Destruct
Release Date: 2009
Director: Curtis Jackson
Genre: Drama
Main Cast: Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson (as Clarence) and Clifton Powell (as Sean)
IMDB Rating: 4.1
My Rating: 1.3
Length:  79 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: Unknown/Unknown

The only reason I own this horrendous film is because it came free with the Before I Self Destruct album, which I also got for little to nothing. Sadly, the film is worth less than that. It was obvious that the film was going to be poor previous to watching it due to the length and it being directed by a musician who is a terrible actor in the first place. As a general rule, nearly all big name musicians are sub par performers at best on screen. This film was absolutely awful, worse than I thought it could be. I don't want to waste any more time on it, so if you come across it, do not waste your time.

Cop Out
Release Date: 2010
Director: Kevin Smith
Genre: Comedy
Main Cast: Bruce Willis (as Detective Jimmy Monroe) and Tracy Morgan (as Detective Paul Hodges)
IMDB Rating: 5.7
My Rating: 5.2
Length: 107 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $37 million/$55 million

Anything is an improvement from the previous one viewed last week. Cop Out didn't provide a tremendous improvement, but was still was an average film. Willis and Morgan provide a decent amount of comedy and entertainment, but the lacking plot and sub-par acting failed to impress. The storyline is a good example of one that doesn't accomplish much importance throughout the entire film. An overall ok film that didn't impress me enough to recommend for a great watch.

Release Date: 2010
Director: Nimród Antal
Genre: Action
Main Cast: Adrien Brody (as Royce) and Alice Braga (as Isabelle)
IMDB Rating: 6.5
My Rating: 8.5
Length: 107 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $40 million/$127 million

Having never seen any of the previous Predator or Alien films prior to this one, the impressiveness of this film has stemmed recent interest for me in the previous installations of the series's, even though the film had an altogether new plot from the ones prior. The storyline of the predators bringing known human assassins to their planet to learn killing tactics from the humans is a concept that appealed to me greatly, as well as kept me mostly fascinated throughout the film. The acting by all parts, namely Brody, Braga, Grace, and Fishbourne was excellent as well.  The presentation of an extra-terrestrial being was done above well, as was the general acting of the rest of the human characters. The setting did seem like a possible different planet, but also stayed realistic enough to not make it seemed forced. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie throughout and look forward to subsequent sequals that are projected to follow.

12 Rounds

Release Date: 2009
Director: Renny Harlin
Genre: Action
Main Cast: John Cena (as Detective Danny Fisher) Ashley Scott (as Molly Porter) Aidan Gillen (as Miles Jackson)
IMDB Rating: 5.4
My Rating: 6.4
Length: 108 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $20 million/$17 million

Not expecting much from John Cena and WWE Studios, this filmed surprised me as an above average action/police rescue film. Cena's acting was by no means spectacular, but he got the job done and didn't try anything that seemed outrageous. Gillen gave an excellent performance as the protagonist, adding to the plot by causing his witty kidnapping plans to seem true to his character. The plot stays relatively simple throughout, staying true to the 12 rounds of a game to free Cena's kidnapped girlfriend. An overall simple but entertaining film.

Release Date: 2004
Director: Adam McKay
Genre: Comedy
Main Cast: Will Ferrell (as Ron Burgundy) and Christina Applegate (as Veronica Corningstone)

IMDB Rating: 7.0
My Rating: 7.2
Length: 94 minutes
Budget/Gross Revenue: $26 million/$90 million

Technically not a newly viewed for me, but it had been at least 5 years, and this classic comedy deserves a rewatch. Looking back at the cast, it is amazing how many of the actors' careers have taken off since the production of this film, namely in the comedy genre. Ferrell and Carell play viciously funny roles in this film, it being one of the first major comedy productions in the respective careers. Both by now have obviously played in numerous award-winning television series's and films. With a slightly sketchy and rampant plot that runs wild throughout the film, the comedy is mostly derived from the randomness and dry humor of the news team's antics. Only slightly cheesy and lacking of depth, this classic is again a must-see for the few deprived that haven't seen it yet.

I will do my best to have a better compilation of films the upcoming week, that you might get the lowdown on what to watch and what to avoid.
-Jarid Holliday

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