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The purpose of the blog is to analyze and comment on the various aspects of Films, Music, and Sports. Project Mayhem is the name of an organization in the film "Fight Club." The organization is formed to rid the world of cultural norms, or what is expected and wanted of a person to fit into a community. Through this blog, I hope that the analysis of these media produce a similar effect: ridding public opinions of stereotypes or predetermined conclusions regarding these media without proper evidence. So, please, add input, correct mistakes, give your ratings/opinions, and open your mind...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Band Name Origins

One topic regarding music that has always interested me has been the origin of famous band names. Having experimented with some music groups and performances myself, I have tasted the difficulty of coming up with a name for use as promotion. Many of the origins of bands have a variety of different backgrounds, but many of them have just been coincidental, hey-that-sounds-good whims that stayed. Below is a list of artists that interest me and how their names stuck:

A band member saw AC/DC on a sewing machine and figured it had something to do with power. He was right, as it meant "Alternating Current/Direct Current" It also was slang for bi-sexual which the band found out later as it caused some awkward moments in their beginning years.

Name after a character in "The Neverending Story".

Despite multiple originating stories behind their band name, John Lennon is generally credited with the name creation as he was thought to have combined Beetles with Beat to come up with the Beatles spelling.

DeLonge came up with Blink over Duct Tape, and the band added -182 to avoid legal issues with an Irish pop band of the same name.
Breaking Benjamin
Named after frontman Ben Burnley knocked over and broke a microphone at an early performance.

Came from the band members passion for fast cars, as well as it being the original brothers' father's favorite.

A band member had a dream in which he did not know which public bathroom to use as the signs said "Chumba" and "Wamba". 
Name originated from the quote by William Blake, "If the doors of perception were to be cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite."

Bob Dylan
Being a fan of Dylan Thomas, he changed his original name of Robert Zimmerman as it was too long.

Name was heavily inspired by the Byrds, a band that was a heavy influence of on the Eagles themselves.

Fall Out Boy
A fan suggested it as a reference to The Simpsons character Radioactive Man's sidekick.

Foo Fighters
Named after the term used for World War II unidentified flying objects, called foo fighters.

Green Day
A term that classified individuals who smoked pot and did nothing all day.

Led Zeppelin
Keith Moon told the band members that the band project would go over like a lead balloon, hence Led Zeppelin.
Linkin Park
Named as homage to Lincoln Park in Santa Monica.

Named by Freddie Mercury for the transsexual and glamorous images it presented.

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Chosen by band members choosing random words written on a wall.

Rolling Stones
Suggested by Brian Jones, the name was inspired by the Muddy Waters song "Rolling Stone".

Named after the river in Greek mythology that served as the entrance way into hell.

Named after a type of spy plane the US used within air reconnaissance.

The Who
Band members were brainstorming for name ideas and one suggested one and another replied, "the who?"

So when naming you future band, it is sometimes helpful to just go with the stars.
-Jarid Holliday

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